- Brand: Casa de plata
- Product Code: STN-30
- Availability: By Order
Sugilite is a rare purple cyclosilicate mineral that was named after the Japanese petrologist, Ken-ichi Sugi, who first identified it in 1944 in Iwagi Islet, Japan. However, this occurred as brownish-yellow grains that were not suitable for use as gemstones. A significant deposit of gem-quality material was later discovered in 1979 at a manganese mine in the Southern Kalahari Desert of South Africa. In 1980 sugilite was officially classified as a rare gem, which caused its price to increase. Since then, additional deposits have been discovered, but since these are small, it remains a rare gem.
Sugilite gets its attractive purple color from traces of manganese. It can range in color from pinkish-purple to deep bluish-purple. The most highly valued sugilite gemstones are a uniform and intense purple. A great deal of sugilite has patches, veins or layers, and attractive or interesting patterns are also desirable in sugilite gemstones.
Stone - Sugililte
Shape - Mix Shape
Size - Mix Size
Quality - 1st
Lot Weight - 504.00 Gms